Motkandidatur till lagtima nationsmöte 1a februari: Trivseltjänsteman 2 terminer (VT24-HT24)

Hello Blekingska!

I am counter-candidating to become Trivsel-tjänsteman as I believe I can help organize and create tons of fun and inviting events for all of you active tjänstemän! :D

As you might know, I have a lot of previous experience at the nation organizing cozy brunches, creating a new, exciting menu for Sonjas and doing some work for the lunch as well. In other words, my main passion at Blekingska has always been to create a welcoming environment while serving nice food and baked goods. I'm hoping to bring my passion for food to Trivsel as well, through several different events like regular movie nights, exam-season studying events where we serve you all delicious dinners while you study together, and through Blekingska travels where we can go to fun destinations and also bring you a nice, home-made picnic when we get there. Furthermore, I also have ideas for things Id like to organize for Easter, as well as many other fun activities I'd love to take you all on. Having been to many Trivsel-events myself, I feel like I have a decent understanding of how things work already as well. This would further help me in creating these ideas for events.

With previous experiences organizing events outside of Blekingska as well, I feel confident in my ability to take care of logistics and planning of events. I have a clear vision of where I want to take Trivsel, and I'm hoping you'll be as excited as I am to make those ideas come true!

Thank you for reading, excited to see where things might go. Hugs and best wishes! <3

//Alicia Palmqvist